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Fall Foliage Festival 2016

MADAWASKA, ME – Despite cloudy skies, kids and their families ventured out to the annual Four Seasons Trail Association Fall Foliage Festival at the Four Seasons’ lodge on Spring Street where they participated in a bicycle obstacle course, horse rides and rode the Misty Meadows farm train. Although the foliage in Madawaska was behind schedule for late September, a few bright colored maples were starting the transition, which is predicted to be in full color by next weekend.

As usual, the highlight of the day for visitors was the horse drawn wagon rides provided by John and Ann Babin. The two large draft horses powered their way around the trails with ease, providing a different perspective of the trails for those on the ride. In addition to the horse rides, and new to the festival this year, was the Misty Meadows farm train, which provided added excitement for the younger children. Fabricated by James (Chub) and Matt Dionne, the wheeled carts, made from 50 gallon steel drums, rolled effortlessly behind the small garden tractor. FSTA vice president, Andrew Martin, chauffeured the youngsters along the hiking trail and back to the start area where the process was repeated time and time again.

Also new this year was a bicycle obstacle course that included a variety of ramps, balance beams, dips and humps, a navigation circle and the infamous teeter-totter. After a timed competition the following age group winners were awarded t-shirts: 8 and under, Owen Gagnon; 9-10 years, Micayla Haseltine; 11-12 years Curtis Levesque; and 13 and over, Austin Wilson.

Members of the public were also able to buy food for sale in the lodge and pick up their annual memberships. Photos of the event are available here.

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